Integration of Sourcing Systems

An array of different ERP systems and tools are often used in sourcing. How can one be sure they all work well together?

Sourcing functionalities often involve many different ERP systems and tools, and it is essential that they work well together in a user-oriented and productive manner.

The project management and architecture services of Citrus provide sourcing operations with an overall picture of the operating environment and its development needs. Development roadmaps created with the help of the service enable business continuity, profitability and growth.

We are always happy to offer support in adapting the Noventia cloud service to the operating environment as well, and in its implementation.

In our service deliveries, we make sure that our end products are always measurably effective, so that they are functional, profitable and enable increased productivity.

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Sourcing support

We help thousands of sourcing professionals to succeed in their work. We are happy to help in eSourcing, supplier management and sourcing contract management related questions.