Our solution
Noventia tools make sourcing efficient
Supplier Database
All up-to-date supplier data in one place. Accessible to relevant stakeholders across the organisation.
Tenders and Price Negotiations
eRFx (electronic tender) is a modern way to run tenders. eAuctions make price negotiations more efficient.
Supplier Management
Supplier questionnaire enables finding out suppliers' compliance. Supplier evaluation helps in monitoring suppliers' performance.
Contract Management
Sourcing contracts are created and managed in the same place. Contract metadata can be clearly reported in Noventia.
Get started straight away
It is easy to start. Tools are accessible immediately.
Makes sourcing easy
Using the tools reduces manual steps and routine tasks.
All the data up-to-date
Information on suppliers, sourcing and contracts available to the entire sourcing team.
Noventia helpdesk
Our highly praised helpdesk is here to serve and help.
Developed by Sourcing Professionals
Noventia was born out of an everyday need. The founders were looking for an agile and easy-to-use tool for the needs of a large corporation. This led to a development project, which resulted in the birth of Noventia.
Today, Noventia serves large multi-national corporations, smaller sourcing teams and public sector sourcing organizations.
News & Blog
On our blog, you can find current sourcing related topics. Check out also the latest news.
Our Customers Tell – And the Results Are Outstanding!
At the end of last year, we once again conducted our customer satisfaction survey. We received valuable feedback from our customers, and the results are more than encouraging.
Noventia Helpdesk during the holidays
During the holiday season the opening hours have a few exceptions.