Our Customers Tell – And the Results Are Outstanding!
At the end of last year, we once again conducted our customer satisfaction survey. We received valuable feedback from our customers, and the results are more than encouraging.
At the end of last year, we once again conducted our customer satisfaction survey. We received valuable feedback from our customers, and the results are more than encouraging.
Digitalisaatio on muuttanut merkittävästi sopimusneuvotteluja. Aikaisemmin käytiin pitkiä, kasvokkain tapahtuvia sopimusneuvotteluja ja allekirjoitukset vedettiin mustekynällä paperille ja vahvistettiin vielä leimasimella. Viime vuosien aikana sopimusversioita on
Järjestämme Noventian pääkäyttäjille ja yhteyshenkilöille asiakastilaisuuden tiistaina 5.11.2024. Aamupäivän teemoina ovat ESG (Environmental, Social ja Governance) ja vastuullisuus hankinnoissa. Tapahtumassa kuulemme Noventian työkalujen viimeisimmät kehityskuulumiset
When acquiring solutions that are purposed for sourcing functions, similar questions are met than with solutions for any other business functions. A common decision point is whether to seek a centralized solution for all the needs or to look for specialized solutions for different facets of the operation. Each approach has its own advantages and challenges.
For sourcing professionals, a tendering process is business-as-usual: first define the scope, then find out the potential candidates. The best way to identify the most potential candidates is to run a RFQ or RFP. After the first round the best candidates are often given an opportunity to improve their offer.
Video instructions improve the onboarding process and effectively support the continuous use of Noventia tools. Noventia offers short video instructions to improve onboarding and usability. Users can find the videos within the tool.
Noventia’s tools are easy to implement – implementation can be completed in just two hours.
Comprehensive and accurate supplier data is critically important in supply chain management. Up-to-date information enables smooth operations and helps in achieving strategic goals.
Is spring going to be very busy? We are happy to help you with various sourcing-related questions and tasks.
The more information the decision-makers have at their disposal when making purchasing decisions, the more likely the decisions will be right.